Moving Higher
One year ago, we were all trying to come to grips with what a “global pandemic” meant and what the economic, investment and certainly not...
2021 Forecast
In so many ways we are all too ready to put the 2020 year in our rear-view mirror and then tear the mirror off the windshield. Yet, from...
While we probably should not, we are going to do it anyway – here are our predictions and thoughts about the near future as we look in...
Where We Stand
The art of living life requires an ability to learn from our past, live fully in the present and be cognizant of what our future might...
A Peek Around the Corner… Maybe
We have consistently struggled in our efforts to forecast interest rates. We have watched as the U.S. Federal debt has moved from $9.7...
Living in an Uncertain World
It is an understatement to express that we live in an uncertain world – one not many of us would have imagined just six – seven months...
Looking Ahead
To one degree or another, we have all taken our turn at forecasting what lies ahead of us. Will schools re-open in the fall? Will we...
Do What You Can
General John Buford, commander of a Union Calvary force consisting of 2,500 men, sat horseback on a hill located in the Gettysburg town...
Sometimes in a crisis situation we can forget why we ever chose to do something – an investment in a diversified portfolio of stocks...
Investments and Corona Virus
We have entered a Shock and Awe phase of the Corona Virus – that which was an ocean and more away from us is suddenly here on our...